Split first and lastname

For splitting a Name in First and Lastname I found the following simple Regex working in most cases:

Indeed you have to evaluate manually if you have names with more than 3 words

LASTNAME in Capitals + no speparation

In another case I came across a textline, where the firstname was in Capital, however the firstname was not easy seperable by the following words.

I found the the following Regex (including already the exceptions of the existing data) would work in most my cases:


Repeat/Fill value of previous row

Sometimes you want to fil empty values in a row, with the last occurence of the colum, that is not null. Eg in the following example I want to fill rows 44-50 with the event_date “26.06.2023” an rows 53-54 with “28.08.2023”.

For that a simple java script can be used:

var event_date_new; if (event_date !== null) {  event_date_new = event_date;}

This results in a new column with all dates filled