Add a sub-transformation with step “transformation executor”

You can bundle a couple of steps as a transformation and call those steps in another transformation.

My scenario: determine publication date

I often use the Crossref Rest API to get information about publications. Depending on the publisher there are different kind of dates associated with a DOI and the dates can have different resolutions. Sometimes just a year or a year and a month.

Get publications dates from different DOIs (using REST and JSON) – Simple_Rest_Query_Crossref.ktr

In order to get always a specific publication date with the resolution I use a couple of steps and logic to determine the “relevant” publication date out from those different date fields.

Adding a couple of steps to determine “publication_date”

To reuse those steps in different transformations without copying each time all these steps I can now save those steps as own transformation. Let’s add a “Get rows from result” and “Copy rows to result” at the beginning and and end this sub-transformation.

subtransformation – Publication_Date_Sub.ktr

Then we can add a “Transformation executor” step in the main transformation. In this step we add the expected “fields” of the sub-transformation in the tab “Results row”

Adding a “transformation executor”-Step in the main transformation – Publication_Date_Main.ktr

As output of a “transformation executor” step there are several options available:

Output-Options of “transformation executor”-Step

There seems to be no option to get the results and pass through the input steps data for the same rows. Probably since the output of the sub-transformation can have more more or less rows than the input. Yet we can create a work-around by going on the the input data and add the results of the sub-transformation with a common (presorted) identifier. At the end we have the original data and the result of the sub-transformation combined.